Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Decursing the curse

<  Here I am, yawning, off to the side during the bouquet toss of my cousin's wedding. 
Every single girl's favorite part of a wedding, right?
I assure you, that it is NOT my favorite part. I enjoy the champagne, the wine, the usual open bar, the dancing with drunk Grandma and distant Aunts and Uncles you never knew existed, or the ones that expect you to remember them from when you were 3 years old, those same ones that tell you strange stories of when you were little and you just sit or stand and do an awkward laugh to show that you indeed "remember" this story, while you are thanking some gods that your glass is not empty yet. Do they really expect us to remember these kind of events? Come on people, I smoke weed. My memory is fading. I struggle trying to remember my Halloween costume from the year before. Now thats a sign I need to be taking more ginko biloba. Does that stuff really work? maybe it's placebo effect? I like to think it works, that's good enough for me. It works, and I need more, more, more. Lets get back to the point. Bouquet tossing, not my favorite part of weddings, and this picture is proof.
Im a weird girl, and I do not want to catch the bouquet, again. Yes, that is right, I have caught the bouquet before and it will not happen again. I don't quite understand my dislike for the bouquet toss, Im going through a phase of believing that marriage is the worst thing to happen to two people in love, why do people get married, why does the girl have to change her last name? what is the point of spending thousands of dollars on one day, when you can stay together forever with out a liscense, and spend those thousands of dollars traveling and seeingthe world together?! Now, doesn't that sound fantastic? I think so.
I hate the curse that goes with catching the bouquet.. the one to catch is said to be the next to marry. No thank you, No thank you. Since i have caught the bouquet before, it is my duty to decurse the curse.
Single lady forever? probably.

1 comment:

  1. kt,
    i think a correction is in order, oh cynical one. if you look a little closer, you are not yawning. your mouth is ajar eager with anticipation; but, my glass is usually half full. perhaps you emptied yours already? hehe love ya sisterr
